View Profile Battered-Prawn

10 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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Nice style, clean animation.. but shouldn't you have put mild nudity ^^
onleh joking it was awesome, keep up the good work :D

BritishMoose responds:

You're right, I probably should have. Thanks very much ^^

Thankyou for this inspiring Animation :D

Thanks FleckoGold, these are the kind of flash animations that inspire :)
And no matter what you say, this animation turned out amazingly, t'was kind of sad, how he couldn't manage to save the poor girl that was killed by petty thugs..
The only thing that was on the negative side, is the character development, I don't really understand why she was so important, so a little background information would have helped.

Anyway, thanks for this awesome flash movie!

FleckoGold responds:

Hmm, well I guess I DID assume that everyone would think that the girl was the princess, so I didn't bother putting any more details then the ones shown. So your right, there needs to be a lil more character development in some parts, others, I'd rather leave to the viewer to decide or figure out. A lot of this also couldn't be shown merely because I had no place to fit them in.



I have to say, you're my favourite Clock Crew member :)
This was a cool, well thought out movie. I loved all the animation and the ending was great.
Just remember to always submit decent flashes!!!

RupeeClock responds:

Haha, I'll submit decent stuff when I feel like it.

Soundtrack from?

Yay, its worth getting past the portal at least :P

-synced well with the soundtrack
-just felt kool

-no preloader
-no start button
-graphics could be improved

P.S. where is the music from?

Zelfury responds:

the song is called "strong and strike"

Simply Astounding.

This, is simply amazing. Everyone else who has reviewed this flash animation has said it was simply amazing, and I'm am going to say exactly the same thing, except i will add this.
I saw this flash animation a long while ago, about a year ago now and it still astounds me. This flash, this is what brought me into the animation scene, getting me into flash and other such things. One thing i must say is why would this be your last for such a promising artist. And lastly i wonder why this flash isnt whith in the top 100, let alone top 10 because it has my vote.

spacejelly responds:

thanks! if its not in the top 100 anymore, it had a great run, it hoverered around the 50 spot for months. which still amazes me because i didnt think it was newgrounds friendly at all. ill TRY to submit something new soon okay

good 1

that was goood, but i think that man was sorta walking backwards, cycle the trees in the other direction

Leet-Productions responds:

The background is moving backwards because he's walking forwards. Understand?

its weird

very, err... origional. youve put in a lot of effort, practise practise practise. try make 'em a bit longer too

3rdLion responds:

Cheers buddy. Will do, school's over in 4 weeks :D So, I'll have a bucket of time on my hands


it sounds as though youve learnt as much as me tho i only started at the beggining of the summer holiday, but i spose late's better than never at all, must have took ages to do all that in fbf! good work, hope to see more from you.

punkrock-productions responds:

yeah, that's i possibility, but it seems you might know more because it says you have more flash submitted then me. and yeah, it took really long to make, but i just worked on it constantly so i got it done sooner then i expected. thx for the review


ya, it was funny, but i dont like beggers, if u got rid of the 'vote 5 plz' i would have voted more than 3, its funny, but hard to understand, why does the ball explode? oh, well, good for a laugh.

s0undatr0n responds:

It was a nice graphic for the credits bg and you're going to give it a lower score for that. You're such a dick.

To flash or not to flash, that is the question.

Charlie Palmer @Battered-Prawn

Age 31, Male



Kent, UK

Joined on 8/2/06

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